Primary Care Activity Tool
Meet both current & future demand by better planning workflow and workforce allocation.
Support PCN & multi-PCN analysis, regardless of patient administration system in use.
Test and trial practice model changes, like care continuity, in a controlled and measurable way.
Close health inequalities by incorporating local population metrics and projections, and aid forward planning.
Primary care organisations have the deepest – in terms of richness and timespan – data sets of any care organisation. However, they tend to lack the qualified staff, budgets and engagement with patient administration system providers to perform the advanced analysis they need to guide decision making.
The Fuller Stocktake Report has a key focus on “data, data, data” and emphasises the need to link datasets to support local transformation. This is possible though funding at a system or place level however must be orientated to provide support for PCN & wider local neighbourhood teams.
how it works
Foremost is the need to manage complex relationships that are pivotal to facilitating data sharing. We are experienced in navigating information governance and can provide GPs confidence over the consolidation of their precious practice data.
We have a proven data flow process, which consolidates datasets via a secure cloud-based platform. This process works regardless of the local clinical system a practice has in place.
We supplement the data with external data sources, like granular local ONS population metrics and census figures. From this we create the visualisations and insight tools GPs needs to make data-driven decisions.
A flexible, easy-to-use interface and toolkit, that allows users to quickly navigate to an area of interest or decision-support need.
Linked ‘navigator’ support to engage with practice managers, GPs and decision-makers to ensure insight needs are met.
Tight control over who can see what. Individual GP practices can use the tool to compare metrics with other GPs across their PCNs, but not identify individual practices without collective agreement.
Case studies
Connecting practices across a GP Alliance to drive evolution of practice models and demand & capacity planning
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